Kostenloses Taktik E-Book

Zuletzt am 24. November 2020 aktualisiert

GM Niclas Huschenbeth verschenkt sein Taktik E-Book.

“Spotting chess tactics is the foundation of every player’s skill set. You will not go far in chess if you consistently miss strong moves by your opponent or chances for yourself. Chess is different from other sports in that one single bad move can ruin the entire game immediately. You may play the rest of the game perfectly after that one bad move, but if your opponent does not put a foot wrong, there is nothing you can do. In other sports, you can often come back. Your opponent scored a goal? No problem, you just score one more and win. Not in chess. One mistake and it can be game over. Therefore, it is essential to reduce tactical oversights to become a good chess player. This book will provide you with a method how to spot tactics and three sets of exercises, split in a beginner, intermediate and advanced section. Enjoy!”

Mit diesen Worten beginnt das englischsprachige Taktikbuch des deutschen Meisters.

Um das E-Book zu bekommen, muss man nur seine E-Mail-Adresse angeben, dann bekommt man es auch schon zugesandt.



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